Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Dependency report
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-27 12:42:30
Andrey Semashev wrote:
> > https://pdimov.github.io/boostdep-report/develop/module-levels.html#level:5
> I don't quite understand what level means.
Level is an artificial measure computed by placing all modules with no
dependencies at level 0, those that depend on level 0 on level 1, and so on.
> I don't quite remember how we moved headers between submodules in the
> past. I think it required someone with commit rights to both submodules?
In the past I moved headers along with their history by exporting the
commits to a text file and then applying that in the target repo, but I
think that's too much trouble for little worth. We could just remove it from
utility and commit it to iterator.
> In any case, I don't mind if next_prior.hpp along with its tests and docs
> is moved to Boost.Iterator, just let me know what I can do.
I see you're already on the "utility" team, I can add you to the "iterator"
team if Edward doesn't object?
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