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Subject: Re: [boost] yomm2 - open methods
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-01-24 15:29:35


On 01/24/2018 07:21 AM, Jean-Louis Leroy via Boost wrote:
> <snip>
>> Can't you just rearrange it to:
>> ...
>> struct _YOMM2_SPEC {
>> static RETURN_T body ARGS;
>> };
>> ... register_spec<> init();
>> }}
>> inline RETURN_T _YOMM2_NS::_YOMM2_SPEC::body ARGS
> This wouldn't work as is, because _YOMM2_NS generates a new namespace name each
> time it is called (using __COUNTER__) but I found out about BOOST_PP_SUB and
> changed _YOMM2_NS so it can re-generate a previous namespace. So now YOMM2_END
> is gone.

  A better way is to define an implementation
macro that takes the namespace as a parameter,
and then force __COUNTER__ to be expanded once
by the outer macro. (BOOST_PP_SUB has a pretty
low upper maximum.)

> <snip>
>> - update_methods looks like it's totally thread-unsafe.
>> You can probably get away with this if you only call
>> it at the beginning of main, but it seems quite dangerous
>> if you load or unload shared libraries.
> That's a complex question.
> For starters, is dlopen thread safe? GNU dlopen is explicitly documented as
> "MT-Safe", but this SunOS page
> does not say
> anything on the subject. And then there are bug reports circulating about
> dlopen in multi-threadec context.
> And what of dlclose? Better make sure that a thread does not call dlclose while
> another is still executing the library's code. Or that each thread that uses
> the library calls dlopen itself (and increments the library's ref count).

  That's no different from normal functions.
My opinion is that dlopen/dlclose should be
exactly as safe for multimethods as they
are for normal functions.

> In the light of this, I have so far left it to "the application" to manage its
> calls to dlopen, dlclose and update_methods.
> But this is just the beginning. Adding a mutex to serialize calls to
> update_method (and the static ctors and dtors that are generated by the macros)
> is not enough, because a thread may be executing the method dispatch code while
> update_methods is running. I would need a read/write mutex, with the dispatch
> code acquiring a read lock until it has fetched the pointer to the appropriate
> function. But that would be too penalizing.

  It might be better to assume that rebuilding
the tables is rare. Then you can build a completely
new table and swap it in atomically.

Assumptions required for validity:
- No call that would match any new overload
  is made until after update_methods returns.
- All calls into the dll have completed before it
  is unloaded.

> I wonder if Pirkelbauer, Solodkyy and Stroustrup addressed this problem when
> they worked on open methods. Their paper mentions dynamic loading but it
> doesn't say much except that it's important to support it. I'll ask Solodkyy -
> we exchanged emails in the past.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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