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Subject: Re: [boost] Fwd: [gsoc18] Boost.Detour & Mentor Search
From: Michael Kiros (michaelakiros_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-21 03:23:29

   - The author must have decided to take down the repo very recently.
   Here's a mirror that I have:
   - I've added two use cases inside of the proposal and updated the PDF
   - I haven't thought of a detailed timeline yet but as a draft it would
   go something like this:

   1. Work on setting up the project (includes setting up dependencies for
   disassembly, run time assembly etc.)
   2. Start working on an abstract class that describes the most basic
   detour type
   3. Start working on the very first detour implementation using byte patch
   4. Add tests
   5. Keep on working on current features and adding new detour types

I'll work more on the project when I get the time (soon) and start a small
sample implementation project on GitHub then link it here.

On 20 March 2018 at 20:50, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira <
vini.ipsmaker_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> 2018-03-15 5:36 GMT-03:00 Michael Kiros via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>:
>> Here's a link to the draft:
>> d/1nh436adVvIHC_
>> AXTAJi6Wr_uLpM4-SSc/view?usp=sharing
>> <>
> - The linked github repo is 404.
> - I'd like to see two use cases for hooking in the proposal.
> - You should include a detailed timeline for project implementation.
> What will you be working on each week?
> --
> Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira

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