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Subject: [boost] [gsoc18] Mentor Search
From: Jimmy Beckett (jimmybeckett1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-21 05:12:03

Hello all,

I'm a high school senior out of Texas (I've been accepted into an
accredited 4-year college and am therefore eligible for GSOC.) I'm most
interested in the uBLAS proposal, but any of the other proposals would be
amazing to work on, along with any additional ideas any prospective mentors
might have. I've completed the competency test for uBLAS (, and I also have a
lightweight big integer library that I've been working on recently
available at It doesn't meet
the 1000 loc requirement, but it should supplement my competency test. Of
course, code reviews are always welcome!

If any prospective mentors have project ideas to discuss or any comments to
make, I would love to hear them!

Thank you,
Jimmy Beckett

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