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Subject: Re: [boost] A possible date for dropping c++03 support
From: Arvid Norberg (arvid.norberg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-08-27 19:51:00

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 8:00 PM Edward Diener via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> The main problem as always is to put resources where there are needed. I
> am not against Boost saying that we are "dropping support for C++03", if
> we actually explain to end-users what this entails and it actually
> entails something significant so that announcing that Boost is "dropping
> support for C++03" is not just a psychological ploy to get end-user to
> use C++11 on up with Boost.

A concrete example of dropping C++03 support is boost.asio (with
boost-1.68.0). At least its abstraction and customization point over
buffers now use C++11.

A concrete issue that could be solved by "dropping C++03" is being able to
use std::error_code while also using boost.asio (and possibly
boost.filesystem). Since they use boost.error_code, they (effectively)
force you to also use boost.error_code in your application. That said,
there clearly are benefits to staying API compatible between boost
releases, and switching boost.error_code for std::error code in boost.asio
and boost.filesystem would be quite a pain to upgrade (and for clients to
support multiple boost versions).

Arvid Norberg

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