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From: Stephan T. Lavavej (stl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-09-23 22:39:43

[Mathias Gaunard]
> Is their hypot implementation right?
> Certainly does not look like the classic Sun implementation.

Please file an issue on GitHub if you can demonstrate inaccurate results.

At the moment, the only modern Boost component that we're using is Boost.Math to power Special Math. (We include Boost during our build, instead of shipping its sources.) We're also using some of William E. Kempf's Boost.Thread v1 code, heavily modified (this predated the Boost Software License, so it has separate notices). Separately, we're using Ryu under the Boost Software License.

If there's anything that we can do to be helpful to Boost, please let us know.

In the medium-long term, we may be interested in using Boost.Regex to replace our regex implementation (when we can break ABI).


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