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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-01-29 06:02:46

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 12:55 AM Gavin Lambert via Boost
<boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On 29/01/2020 18:39, Glen Fernandes wrote:
> >
> > Basically, a unique_ptr result from an allocate_unique<T[]>(a, n)
> > _has_ to store the n somewhere in the unique_ptr because it needs to
> > know how many objects to destroy and what size storage to deallocate.
> >
> > I also provide access for you to get that n. (I just forgot to put it
> > in the documentation).
> Does it also implicitly decay to a T*?

Why would it decay to a T*? It's a pointer-like type, for which
operator* and operator-> give you the right thing. It doesn't decay to
T* nor does it decay to A::pointer (which may not even be T*, i.e. it
could be a fancy pointer).

> (I did have a look at>
> but I don't see any `operator T*`, which is what I'd expect.)

You shouldn't expect that. For any unique_ptr<T, D> you can only
expect that .get() gives you a D::pointer. For default_delete<T> this
might be T*. But it always depends on the Deleter.

> If not, that seems like it'd make it hard to pass to something expecting
> a raw pointer (eg. as method argument, or to construct a std::span).

For any given generic unique_ptr<T, D> p; the way to get a T* raw
pointer is not just p.get().

D::pointer can always be a fancy pointer (i.e. a pointer-like type
that is not a raw pointer).

The correct way to get a raw pointer from any
potentially-fancy-pointer x is: to_address(x)

This can be boost::to_address (C++03 or higher), or std::to_address
(C++20 or higher)


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