Boost : |
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-02-11 18:32:00
On 2/11/2020 4:56 AM, Paul A Bristow via Boost wrote:
> https://boostorg.github.io/build/manual/develop/index.html#bbv2.overview.builtin
> s.features
> says
> 5.3. Builtin features
> cxxstd Allowed values: 98, 03, 0x, 11, 1y, 14, 1z, 17, 2a, latest.
> cxxstd-dialect Allowed values: iso, gnu, ms.
> So these work as expected
> toolset=gcc cxxstd=2a cxxstd-dialect=gnu is OK
> toolset=gcc-9.2.0 cxxstd=2a cxxstd-dialect=gnu is OK too
> But if I do NOT specify the cxxstd version - just
> toolset=gcc cxxstd-dialect=gnu
> for example:
> boost\libs\multiprecision\example>b2 float128_snips toolset=gcc-8.1.0
> cxxstd-dialect=gnu address-model=64 release >
> .mp_float128_snips_gcc810_14_gnu.log
> Iboost/tools/build/src/build\feature.jam:1020: in feature.compress-subproperties
> from module feature
> error: assertion failure: [ set.equal "<cxxstd-dialect>gnu"
> "<toolset-gcc:version>8.1.0" : "<toolset-gcc:version>8.1.0" ]
> error: Expected: [ "true" ]
> error: Got: [ ]
> which had be puzzled for a while.
> Probably the even more common case of only having one compiler, say gcc,
> installed, and so not specifying toolset at all, confusingly behaves the same
> way?
> This is a perfectly reasonable behaviour, but this requirement might helpfully
> be documented.
> Or this more subtle than I understand?
"dialect" is a sub-feature of "cxxstd" in the same way that "version" is
a sub-feature of "toolset". If you specify a sub-feature the feature to
which it applies must always be specified somewhere.
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