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From: Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-03-11 00:02:52


Over the last few months, intermittently I've been chasing a peculiar
bug that has
been revealing itself in failing checksum tests in GIL's
test/legacy/image.cpp [1]
since we started testing GIL with MSVC++ (VS2017, VS2019) with

b2 toolset=msvc variant=release address-model=64


The peculiarity of this bug is that it has not been observed using any
of these compilers:

  - GCC: 4.8, 4.9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  - Clang: 3.9, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7, 8, 9, 10
  - XCode: 8.3, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10

There is complete report [2], but I also decided to reach the list
looking for any
insights that may help me to understand what may be causing the bug.
Complete repo [3] has GitHub Actions to build and run minimal_test.cpp test.


This minimal_test.cpp (at the bottom) leaves out the checksum calculation and
narrows the scope of the bug down to the `xy_locator` and advances of
the iterators.

The test basically is this:
1. Create 3x3 image based on bit-aligned BGR or RGB pixel (e.g. bgr121_image_t)
2. Fill image with red
3. Draw blue diagonal

bgr121_image_t img(3, 3);
// ... fill img with `bgr121_red` pixels
// draw blue diagonal
auto v = view(img);
auto loc = v.xy_at(0, v.height() - 1);
for (std::ptrdiff_t y = 0; y < v.height(); ++y)
    *loc = bgr121_blue; // set blue pixel value
    ++loc.x(); // INCREMENT X FIRST

If the loop like this is compiled using either
- `b2 toolset=msvc variant=release address-model=64
optimization=space` (/O1 /Ob2)
- `b2 toolset=msvc variant=release address-model=64
optimization=speed` (/O2 /Ob2)
then pixels of the blue diagonal are messed up.

If the loop is compiled without optimization using either
- `b2 toolset=msvc variant=debug address-model=64` (/Od /Ob2)
- `b2 toolset=msvc variant=release address-model=64 optimization=off` (/Od /Ob2)
then pixels of the blue diagonal are correct.

Now, if the `for` loop above is modified, that is, lines incrementing
the `x_iterator` and `y_itertor` are reordered:

for (std::ptrdiff_t y = 0; y < v.height(); ++y)
    *loc = bgr121_blue; // set blue pixel value
    ++loc.x(); // PRE-INCREMENT X SECOND


for (std::ptrdiff_t y = 0; y < v.height(); ++y)
    *loc = bgr121_blue; // set blue pixel value
    ++loc.x(); // POST-INCREMENT X SECOND

then the blue diagonal is drawn correctly regardless of the MSVC++

If the loop is manually unrolled, see minimal_test.cpp below, the blue
diagonal is correct too.

I'm yet to try the CE to see compare the generated code, as far as my
limited assembly fu goes, but currently Boost for MSVC++ on CE is
broken (

If anyone would have any insights on what may be causing the problem,
or any suggestions what else to test, I would greatly appreciate that.

Obviously, I'm getting suspicious about the MSVC++ optimizer, but I do know
blaming a compiler is last+1 resort :)


// minimal_test.cpp
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#if BOOST_VERSION < 106900
#include <boost/gil/gil_all.hpp>
#include <boost/gil.hpp>
namespace gil = boost::gil;

#if BOOST_VERSION > 107200
using channel_sizes_t = boost::mp11::mp_list_c<int, 1, 2, 1>;
using channel_sizes_t = boost::mpl::vector3_c<int, 1, 2, 1>;

using bgr121_ref_t = gil::bit_aligned_pixel_reference
> const;
using bgr121_image_t = gil::image<bgr121_ref_t, false>;
using bgr121_view_t = typename bgr121_image_t::view_t;
using bgr121_pixel_t = typename bgr121_view_t::value_type;

bgr121_pixel_t bgr121_red(0), bgr121_blue(0);

void fill_image_red(bgr121_image_t& img)
    gil::rgb8_pixel_t red8(255, 0, 0);
    gil::rgb8_pixel_t blue8(0, 0, 255);
    gil::color_convert(red8, bgr121_red);
    gil::color_convert(blue8, bgr121_blue);

    auto v = view(img);
    std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), bgr121_red);

    for (auto it = view(img).begin().x(), end = view(img).end().x();
it != end; ++it)
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red);

void test_draw_with_xy_locator_loop_fail(std::ptrdiff_t w, std::ptrdiff_t h)
    bgr121_image_t img(w, h);
        auto v = view(img);
        auto loc = v.xy_at(0, v.height() - 1);
        for (std::ptrdiff_t y = 0; y < v.height(); ++y)
            *loc = bgr121_blue;
            // OPTION 1 FAILS
            ++loc.x(); // PRE-INCREMENT X FIRST

            // OPTION 2 FAILS TOO
            //loc.x()++; // POST-INCREMENT X FIRST

            // OPTION 3 FAILS TOO
            //auto& x_it = loc.x(); // PRE-INCREMENT NAMED X FIRST
            //auto& y_it = loc.y();
        auto it = view(img).begin().x();
        // row 0
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        // row 1
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it; // FAIL
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        // row 2
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red);

void test_draw_with_xy_locator_loop_good(std::ptrdiff_t w, std::ptrdiff_t h)
    bgr121_image_t img(w, h);
        auto v = view(img);
        auto loc = v.xy_at(0, v.height() - 1);
        for (std::ptrdiff_t y = 0; y < v.height(); ++y)
            *loc = bgr121_blue;
            // OPTION 1 WORKS
            ++loc.x(); // PRE-INCREMENT X SECOND

            // OPTION 2 WORKS TOO
            //loc.x()++; // POST-INCREMENT X SECOND
        auto it = view(img).begin().x();
        // row 0
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        // row 1
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        // row 2
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red);

void test_draw_with_xy_locator_step_good(std::ptrdiff_t w, std::ptrdiff_t h)
    bgr121_image_t img(w, h);
        auto v = view(img);

        auto loc = v.xy_at(0, v.height() - 1);
        *loc = bgr121_blue; // red red blue
        *loc = bgr121_blue; // red blue red
        *loc = bgr121_blue; // blue red red
        auto it = view(img).begin().x();
        // row 0
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        // row 1
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        // row 2
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_blue); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red); ++it;
        BOOST_TEST(*it == bgr121_red);

int main()
    test_draw_with_xy_locator_loop_fail(3, 3);
    test_draw_with_xy_locator_loop_good(3, 3);
    test_draw_with_xy_locator_step_good(3, 3);

    return boost::report_errors();

Best regards,

Mateusz Loskot,

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at