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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-06-29 12:33:40

Vinnie Falco wrote:
> My point is that the technical discussions (including the formal reviews)
> on the mailing list are a wonderful resource that casual observers have no
> way to see because it is locked up behind a mailing list. Boost can't
> leverage these discussions by linking to them in a news feed, highlighting
> popular discussions, attaching flair based on their participation, and so
> on and so forth. Imagine if StackOverflow was a mailing list instead.
> Yes I realize that there are mirrors but that is not even close to the same
> thing. The Boost organization has no editorial control over a mirror, and
> it isn't even under a domain that has brand recognition.

The final phrase about the domain makes me wonder if you're unaware of ; it is available to "casual observers",
could be linked to from anywhere, and has Boost "branding". Or do you not
mean the Boost brand when you say "brand recognition"? - do you want a more
recognised brand like github or stackoverflow or google or something?

Regards, Phil.

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