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From: Gavin Lambert (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2021-03-05 04:45:57

On 5/03/2021 5:26 pm, Nicholas Neumann wrote:
> Peter Dimov wrote:
>> If you're going to use a client-supplied callback, the most
>> straightforward one would just return a shared_ptr<FILE> (or the
>> appropriate equivalent). Then both opening and closing are under
>> the callback's control.
> That's interesting to think about. A simultaneous pro and con I see is that
> the callback now has to deal with how to open and close a file, which was
> an implementation detail of the backend before. If you want or need that
> level of control, it is useful. But a callback which asks "close the file?"
> only has to take a path and return a boolean, leaving most of the concerns
> to the backend. Both allow for any caching strategy. Either one works for
> me so if the shared_ptr<FILE> approach solves problems for others that the
> boolean approach does not, I'd be just as happy with it.

To fix that, you could have the callback return void and take the
shared_ptr as a parameter instead -- keeping it alive keeps the file
open. The callback would only be called when the framework needs to
open a new file (or a new pointer to an existing file), not when
re-using an existing pointer.

The problem is that now both sides have to keep track of this pointer
and its context (inside the framework, as a weak_ptr; outside, as a
shared_ptr), which has some overhead, especially if the logging system
is intended to be multi-thread-safe.

Depending on where the callback is attached and how it's used, this may
be straightforward or complicated.

(Also, using FILE directly ties the implementation to C++ iostreams; it
would be better to use an abstraction instead.)

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