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From: Rahul K R (krahulr100_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-01-31 04:17:28

Hello All,

As part of my project activity, I have to create an asynchronous TCP server
application using the boost library.

I have created a sample application and it's working. But the issue I am
facing is the boost::asio::read API takes a long time to read from the TCP
almost 5 seconds. I am using boost library version 1.76.0.

I have the following queries regarding this,

1. Is there any known issues for boost::asio::read to consume more time?
2. I am doing reading and writing to the same socket from two threads
parallelly, Is that possible with the boost?
3. Is the boost lib can perform well if we get too many requests at a time
and process parallelly?

I am attaching the sample application code herewith. Please let me know
your feedback asap.


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