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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-02-05 03:55:41

The formal review of the mustache starts today, Sunday the 5th, and ends
next week on Tuesday the 14th.

The library was developed & submitted by Peter Dimov.

Boost.Mustache is an implementation of Mustache templates in C++11.

The master branch is frozen during the review and can be found here

The current documentation can be found here:

Boost.Mustache is an implementation of Mustache templates in C++11.

The documentation of Mustache templates is here:


Please explicitly state that you either *accept* or *reject* the inclusion
of this library into boost.
The accept can be conditional.

Also please indicate the time & effort spent on the evaluation and give the
reasons for your decision.

The review is open to anyone who is prepared to put in the work of
evaluating and reviewing the library. Prior experience in contributing to
Boost reviews is not a requirement.

Some questions to consider:

 - Does this library bring real benefit to C++ developers for real world
 - Do you have an application for this library?
 - Does the API match with current best practices?
 - Is the documentation helpful and clear?
 - Did you try to use it? What problems or surprises did you encounter?
 - What is your evaluation of the implementation?

More information about the Boost Formal Review Process can be found

Reviews can also be submitted directly to me.

Thank you Peter for submitting yet another boost library & thanks for all
the reviews in advance.

Building boost.mustache

Here's how to build the library, starting from scratch:

1. Clone Boost from Github:

git clone --recurse-submodules

2. Clone the Mustache library into the Boost tree:

cd boost/libs
git clone
cd ..

3. Build b2:


(We assume Linux and g++ from now on. On Windows,
it's just `booststrap`.)

4. Generate the header links in the boost/ directory:

./b2 headers

5. Build the Mustache library and its dependencies (e.g. JSON):

./b2 --with-mustache

This will place the compiled libraries into the stage/lib
directory. It should contain libboost_container.a/.so,
libboost_json.a/.so, and liboost_mustache.a/.so.

You can now build and run the Mustache examples by using e.g.

g++ libs/mustache/example/html.cpp -o html -I . -L stage/lib
-lboost_mustache -lboost_json


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