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From: Kostas Savvidis (kotika98_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-04-24 18:43:52

> On Apr 24, 2023, at 21:03, Louis Tatta via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> The more that people help out, the better the results will be.

I just asked GPT-4 to do it!
Of course, without too much context it produces nonsense, see below, but providing it with more detailed instructions and previously existing documentation on this and asking to change this and that can possibly do the job.

Below the contributor guide I am posting an even more exotic "beginner's guide to asio". I suspect it might be complete nonsense too, but enjoy!



Boost Library Contributor Guide

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Boost library collection. The following guide outlines the requirements and guidelines for submitting a library to Boost.


To ensure a smooth submission process and avoid rejection, the library you submit must meet the following requirements:

License requirements:
The license must be simple to read and understand.
The license must grant permission without fee to copy, use, and modify the software for any use (commercial and non-commercial).
The license must require that the license appear on all copies of the software source code.
The license must not require that the license appear with executables or other binary uses of the library.
The license must not require that the source code be available for execution or other binary uses of the library.
The license may restrict the use of the name and description of the library to the standard version found on the Boost website.
Restricted licenses like the GPL and LGPL are not acceptable.
Copyright ownership:
The copyright ownership of the library must be clear.
Include a copyright notice in all the important files you submit.
Portability requirements:
The library's interface must be portable and not restricted to a particular compiler or operating system.
The library's implementation must, if possible, be portable and not restricted to a particular compiler or operating system.
If a portable implementation is not possible, non-portable constructions are acceptable if reasonably easy to port to other environments.
Implementations must be provided for at least two popular operating systems (such as UNIX and Windows).
The library must run on at least two C++ compilers implementing the latest ISO C++ standard.
Boost contributors often try to ensure their libraries work with popular compilers. Use the boost/config.hpp configuration header to work around compiler deficiencies.
Organization requirements:
The library must be generally useful.
The library must adhere to the Boost standard library organization upon acceptance.
The author must be willing to participate in discussions on the mailing list and refine the library accordingly.

To increase the chances of your library being accepted and to maintain consistency within the Boost library collection, follow these guidelines:

Backwards compatibility:
Provide a stable interface for your library, and avoid breaking changes unless absolutely necessary.
If you must introduce breaking changes, provide a clear and easy migration path for users.
Design and programming:
Follow the C++ standard library conventions and idioms whenever possible.
Avoid overly complex designs and keep the library simple and easy to use.
Use lowercase filenames, with words separated by underscores.
Use the .hpp extension for header files, and the .cpp extension for implementation files.
Naming consistency:
Use consistent naming conventions for classes, functions, and other identifiers.
Follow the Boost naming conventions as closely as possible.
Provide thorough and clear documentation for your library.
Use Doxygen-style comments in your header files to document interfaces and functions.
Provide examples and usage scenarios to demonstrate how to use your library.

For a detailed explanation of the reasons behind these requirements and guidelines, refer to the Boost Library Requirements and Guidelines document.


We appreciate your contribution to the Boost library collection and thank you for following these requirements and guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask for help on the Boost developers mailing list.


could you write a new user guide for the boost.asio library?

Sure, I can provide a beginner's guide to using the Boost.Asio library. Here it is:
Boost.Asio is a library for network and low-level I/O programming in C++. It provides a set of abstractions for dealing with sockets, timers, and other I/O objects. Boost.Asio is designed to be portable across operating systems and platforms and is built on top of the Boost C++ libraries.

To use Boost.Asio, you'll need to have the Boost libraries installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Boost from the Boost website, and follow the instructions for installation.

Once you have Boost installed, you can include the Boost.Asio header file in your C++ code:

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
This gives you access to the Boost.Asio library. Here's a basic example that demonstrates how to use Boost.Asio to create a TCP server that listens for incoming connections and sends a simple message to the client:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>

using boost::asio::ip::tcp;

int main() {
  boost::asio::io_context io_context;

  tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), 8888));

  while (true) {
    tcp::socket socket(io_context);

    std::string message = "Hello, World!";
    boost::system::error_code error;
    boost::asio::write(socket, boost::asio::buffer(message), error);

  return 0;
In this example, we create an io_context object, which is the central object that drives the Boost.Asio library. We then create a tcp::acceptor object, which listens for incoming TCP connections on port 8888.

Inside the while loop, we accept incoming connections using the acceptor.accept() method, which blocks until a new connection is established. We then create a new tcp::socket object to handle the communication with the client.

Finally, we send a simple message to the client using the boost::asio::write() method, which writes the message to the socket.

This is just a basic example, but Boost.Asio provides a wide range of abstractions for handling network and low-level I/O programming in C++. You can find more information in the Boost.Asio documentation.

Here are a few tips for using Boost.Asio:

Use asynchronous I/O operations whenever possible. This can help you avoid blocking and maximize the throughput of your application.
Use the io_context object to manage the lifecycle of your I/O objects, such as sockets and timers.
Use the deadline_timer object to schedule timeouts for I/O operations.
Use the streambuf object to handle variable-length data, such as incoming messages over a socket.
Be aware of thread safety issues when using Boost.Asio in a multi-threaded environment. The library provides a number of synchronization primitives, such as mutexes and condition variables, to help you manage concurrency.
With a little practice, you should be able to use Boost.Asio to build complex network and low-level I/O applications in C++. Good luck!

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