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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-09-29 16:24:00

> Steven Watanabe wrote:
> > When b2 fails to create a symlink it's usually because the header is
> > only included through a macro, and the #include scanner misses it.
> That was my first thought, but it's a normal include:
> d7280a894a06726/src/platform_config.hpp#L74
> It might have to do something with the fact that platform_config.hpp
> is in src/; not sure how this gets into the include path.


> d7280a894a06726/config/has_bcrypt.cpp#L9
> But boost/winapi/config.hpp is also included directly from the config
> check source:
> d7280a894a06726/config/has_bcrypt.cpp#L17C11-L17C34
> so the include scanner must be able to see it anyway.
> boost/winapi is a junction/symlink for me, so it's not the split either.

Further experimentation reveals that the header links are correctly created
when I try to build the has_bcrypt exe directly:

C:\boost-git\develop>rd/s/q boost

C:\boost-git\develop>b2 libs/filesystem/config//has_bcrypt
Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model : 64-bit (cached) [1]
    - default architecture : x86 (cached) [1]
    - symlinks supported : yes (cached)

[1] msvc-14.3
...found 40 targets...
...updating 7 targets...
mklink-or-dir boost
mklink-or-dir boost\predef
symbolic link created for boost\predef <<===>> ..\libs\predef\include\boost\predef
mklink-or-dir boost\winapi
symbolic link created for boost\winapi <<===>> ..\libs\winapi\include\boost\winapi
mklink-or-dir boost\filesystem
symbolic link created for boost\filesystem <<===>> ..\libs\filesystem\include\boost\filesystem
link.mklink boost\config.hpp
symbolic link created for boost\config.hpp <<===>> ..\libs\config\include\boost\config.hpp
mklink-or-dir boost\system
symbolic link created for boost\system <<===>> ..\libs\system\include\boost\system
mklink-or-dir boost\detail
mklink-or-dir boost\config
symbolic link created for boost\config <<===>> ..\libs\config\include\boost\config
link.mklink boost\detail\workaround.hpp
symbolic link created for boost\detail\workaround.hpp <<===>> ..\..\libs\config\include\boost\detail\workaround.hpp
link.mklink boost\version.hpp
symbolic link created for boost\version.hpp <<===>> ..\libs\config\include\boost\version.hpp
compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\filesystem\config\msvc-14.3\debug\threading-multi\has_bcrypt.obj
has_bcrypt.cpp bin.v2\libs\filesystem\config\msvc-14.3\debug\threading-multi\has_bcrypt.exe
...updated 13 targets...

So it's only when it's being built by configure.builds:

are the headers not being linked.

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