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From: Alan de Freitas (alandefreitas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-10-12 19:19:42

I like the idea of some variant of "await" because it's intriguing enough
to get people to read the docs. "await" represents only half the library,
but the word that represents both halves, like it or not, is "coroutines".
There are also more than these two coroutine halves in the library because
of its extensions.
I'm also OK with some fun names like "CIA" because it implicitly represents
there can be more things included in the library.

About the ones I don't like:

- async.core (i) carries the same problem as the original name and (ii)
makes it more confusing because now there's "core" but no "not-core" as it
is. If X is everything (as it is), then X cannot be the "core" of itself.
- co_async / co_sync (i) include a special character, (ii) still carry
"async", and (iii) the alternatives suggests it could also be "sync". But
if something is "A || !A", then A discriminates nothing in the context and
it probably shouldn't be described in these terms. It has no cognitive
- co20 (i) is going to look outdated soon and (ii) doesn't represent the
library better than Boost.Co or Boost.Coroutines (if it didn't exist).
About (i), people will be talking about C++26 next year already. The name
means co>=20 but people will instantly have the intuition of co=20 and feel
like we're past that. About (ii), there's no intentionality in "20" in
terms of library design. It's just something that happens to be true.

Em qua., 11 de out. de 2023 às 21:51, Klemens Morgenstern via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> escreveu:

> Given the renaming requirement, I'd like to query the list if there
> are any objections to any of the following names:
> async.core
> await
> co_async / cosync
> co20 / cor20
> Thanks,
> Klemens
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Alan Freitas

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