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From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-21 07:24:27

Am 20.05.24 um 21:28 schrieb Robert Ramey via Boost:
> Anyone have first hand experience building/testing a boost
> library/application with CMake?  I've found the github project for
> boost/Cmake.  Can anyone point me to more useful information?

There are many libraries ready for building & testing with CMake:
Mentioned (Atomic, Filesystem, Log, JSON), Mine (Nowide, Locale) and
likely all Peter is maintaining.

Useful Information are in the Readme at

Examples in each library CI configs and the templates of Boost.CI:

To get you started:

mkdir build_cmake && cd build_cmake
variant=Debug # Or Relase, or RelWithDebInfo
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$variant
cmake --build . --target tests --config $variant -j 16
ctest --output-on-failure --no-tests=error -C $variant -j 16

- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS can be ON or OFF for shared or static libraries
- On Linux $variant typically only needs to be in the first `cmake`
invocation, but it doesn't hurt in the others
- Convenience targets "tests" and "check" exists (build command) to
build all tests (& dependencies) and run them ("check" target)


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