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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-24 00:22:49

Andrey Semashev wrote:
> By the way, checking out boost-1.85.0 of the superproject, I can see it
> references Boost.Log commit
> 2d932ddcb5b05a9b2cc0a9df2d8a6ff88883f2b3
> (the correct one). The superproject was updated to reference this commit in
> 45b56569ecf9e256bc4e0cc01846ecadcacb91c1.
> So, currently, the superproject's tag boost-1.85.0 does not reference
> Boost.Log's boost-1.85.0. Which is another reason to fix the tag in Boost.Log.

It's been reported that the Boost.Wave tag is also wrong.

Someone should write a quick script to check all the tags. These are probably
not the only ones.

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