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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-07 10:14:25

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:55 PM David Sankel wrote:
> On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:46 AM Sam Darwin wrote:
> > That's not a typo. The URL is In the past, the download
> > link has been on many other domains: sourceforge, bintray, jfrog, and so
> > on. There is no expectation the download is hosted on the website itself.
> > Currently, 50TB/month of traffic are already going to
> > and would "break" (so to speak) if that were switched.
> I agree that would be better. Where is the 50TB/month of traffic
> coming from? We could make point to the same server, no?
> Having two domains for boost is just confusing IMO.

If I understand correctly, Fastly supports us using our own domain for
these URLs. I'm not worried about the breakage because all that
traffic is already new, since the URLs switched from the JFrog one to
the current one. Now that we can have URLs for this, it
would be nice.

Sam, let's discuss offline. If it needs access I can bring it up at
the meeting next Wednesday.


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