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From: Joaquin M López Muñoz (joaquinlopezmunoz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-17 16:29:33

Hi everyone,

As most of you know, the new Boost website has been in the works
for quite a long time: last week we've fixed the last showstopper
issues and are now in a position to launch it publicly and announce
to the wider community! See the launch-ready website at:

The new website is ready to replace the current one at
any time we want. The old site has served us well for 25 years, and
it deserves to be given a retirement permit.


The new website is organized in five top-level sections:

* News: an aggregator of internal announcements, blog articles, videos,
etc. related to the Boost project.
* Learn: comprehensive and completely rewritten tutorials and reference
material for users, contributors and review participants. Check this
out: there's a ton of new stuff here.
* Community: links to the various discussion venues for Boost
(mailing lists, Slack groups, X, etc.).
* Libraries: revamped directory of Boost libraries, with integrated
access to version-specific docs, repos, and more.
* Releases: access to release notes, download binaries and source code
for all Boost versions from 1.16.1 up to the current one.

Users can navigate the website anonymously or log in to be able to
contribute to the News section, receive notifications etc. The site
uses responsive design to work on wide screens as well as your mobile
device. Also, check the light and dark modes at the top-right corner :-)


The evolution of the website does not stop here. We have quite a
backlog of issues and new features registered at:

But we're also expecting your feedback! Please let us know what you think
of the website and ways to improve it. I will personally make sure that all
comments and suggestions are properly addressed. Ways to contribute:

* Through the mailing list or the #boost-website group at
* Filing issues directly at
(website proper) and (learning
* Learning material has an "Edit this page" link from where you can
fork any documentation section and propose changes through a pull request.
* Reach out to me anyway you'd like.


There are just too many individuals to list here who had contributed to
the new website --my thanks to all of them. Let me mention some of the
people I have worked with the most in the last two months, when I took
over the PM role for this launch effort.

* The people at REVSYS (Frank Wiles, Lacey Henschel) and Spencer Strickland
built the Django-based backend and most of the frontend. Kenneth Reitz and
Julio C. Estrada have been working tirelessly to close functionality gaps
and fix remaining issues up to launch status.
* Peter Turcan is the main author of the new learning material featured in
the website. Again, check it out and help us spot glitches or propose
new topics to work on.
* Sam Darwin, who's already the Atlas upon whom the current Boost
infrastructure rests, has double down on his responsibilites to set up and
take care of this new backend.
* René Rivera wrote many of the scripts that power the old website and
has assisted us in the migration process with his expertise and
unique insights into the particulars of Boost internal procedures.
* Many people have filed issues during development, but the record holder
is Andrey Semashev (39 tickets and counting). His suggestions and active
involvement in the fixing process have made the website a better place.

Joaquín M López Muñoz

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at