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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-27 18:45:29

On 26/06/2024 23:32, Kristen Shaker via Boost wrote:
> Hello Boost Community,
> My name is Kristen. Admittedly, I am not the most active participant on the
> boost mailing list. However, I do serve on the Boost Foundation Board of
> Directors as Board Chair. It is lovely to e-meet you; Hopefully I'll have
> the opportunity to get to know you better during the course of my tenure.
> Recently, we became aware of a letter that was circulated to the Boost
> developer community. The Boost Foundation Board of Directors have penned
> the following note in response to that letter.

I suspect like most folks I've being trying to studiously stay out of
the politics.

I only note that the new website is now looking very good and certainly
deserves to made use of, but I would also hate to see Boost fragment in
any way.

So... while I'm hoping it's not too late for you all to be sending each
other flowers, perhaps it is also a good time to discuss who should hold
the domain?  As long as Beman was alive that was a no-brainer,
and the Boost Foundation seemed like a logical successor.  But given
that Kristen is only being introduced to us now, perhaps it's focus is
now too much elsewhere? If so that would be a shame, and should not be
taken as meaning the Alliance would be a better owner either. And it
should clearly not be a single person (far too mortal). So it's is a
puzzle for sure.

Hoping for a sudden outbreak of goodwill yours, John.

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