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From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-27 20:28:05

On 27/06/2024 19:45, John Maddock via Boost wrote:
> On 26/06/2024 23:32, Kristen Shaker via Boost wrote:
>> Recently, we became aware of a letter that was circulated to the Boost
>> developer community. The Boost Foundation Board of Directors have penned
>> the following note in response to that letter.
> I suspect like most folks I've being trying to studiously stay out of
> the politics.

I think it unfortunate that the Boost Foundation chose to respond with
yet another escalation. Somebody needs to stop escalating.

> I only note that the new website is now looking very good and certainly
> deserves to made use of, but I would also hate to see Boost fragment in
> any way.

I agree with John that now that the new Boost website is pretty much
done it seems wasteful and unnecessary to throw it away.

Surely there is a way here - given we are all supposed to be adults - to
get this over the line?

> So... while I'm hoping it's not too late for you all to be sending each
> other flowers, perhaps it is also a good time to discuss who should hold
> the domain?  As long as Beman was alive that was a no-brainer,
> and the Boost Foundation seemed like a logical successor.  But given
> that Kristen is only being introduced to us now, perhaps it's focus is
> now too much elsewhere? If so that would be a shame, and should not be
> taken as meaning the Alliance would be a better owner either. And it
> should clearly not be a single person (far too mortal). So it's is a
> puzzle for sure.

The Boost Foundation and all its many predecessors have had a long
history of appointing people who would be unknown to most, if not all,
the Boost library developers.

There were originally good reasons for that - we here us devs did the
dev work, and the non-dev side of things did the admin, money, training,
conference, legal and infrastructure stuff. For obvious reasons, there
was historically not a lot of overlap as most devs don't much care for
non-dev stuff.

I guess the question becomes has there been a material change, and
should there be a material change?

How would the devs like the non-dev stuff to be implemented?

My vote would be for the C++ Alliance and Boost Foundation to figure
something out. After all, they are supposed to be adults and supposedly
both do - in the end - have similar goals (supporting Boost).


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