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From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-01 14:45:36

Dear Boost,

The biggest new feature to land into Outcome since it went ABI stable is
inline GDB pretty printing support, whereby we embed into all binaries
using Outcome the Python script to display the state of
`result<>/outcome<>`. As Outcome uses a layered inheritance technique to
match triviality of member functions from its configured types, having
to click down through the layers to discover the state was always
frustrating. MSVC has long shipped with a visualiser to eliminate this,
so now support for GDB matches MSVC support.

The relevant implementation file can be found at:

I would appreciate any testing and reporting of any issues or bugs
before the 1.86 bugfix window closes. It should "just work" once you
have enabled inline script loading in your `.gdbinit`.


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