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From: Julien Blanc (julien.blanc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-02 07:37:12

1 juillet 2024 à 16:45 "Niall Douglas via Boost" <boost_at_[hidden]> a écrit:
> Dear Boost,
> The biggest new feature to land into Outcome since it went ABI stable is
> inline GDB pretty printing support, whereby we embed into all binaries
> using Outcome the Python script to display the state of
> `result<>/outcome<>`. As Outcome uses a layered inheritance technique to
> match triviality of member functions from its configured types, having
> to click down through the layers to discover the state was always
> frustrating. MSVC has long shipped with a visualiser to eliminate this,
> so now support for GDB matches MSVC support.
> The relevant implementation file can be found at:

That is a really neat trick. I've been playing around with cmake post build step to achieve similar results, but this is a much nicer solution for library code. Many thanks for sharing this.



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