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From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-11 07:07:08

> When updating from Boost 1_71_0 to 1_85_0, I’m suddenly encountering these kinds of errors:
This looks like something else was updated too as most errors look like
compiler/std-library issues:
> /Applications/ No member named 'memcpy' in namespace 'std::__1'; did you mean simply 'memcpy'?
This is an error originating from libc++ installed on the system not
even Boost. If they don't provide it in their own namespace I don't see
much that Boost can do, if anything at all.
> /Users/stephen/dev/Boost Libraries/boost_1_85_0/boost/system/detail/append_int.hpp:23:5: No member named 'snprintf' in namespace 'boost::system::detail'; did you mean simply 'snprintf'?
That looks related.
has a `using std::snprintf;` to pull in snprintf to boost::system::detail
If that doesn't exist in std then I even wonder how the header compiles
in the first place.
In this case there is a change in Boost 1.85 though replacing a custom
snprintf by a using. However `std::snprintf` is only available since
C++11. Are you not compiling with that or higher?
> /Applications/ error: no member named 'memcpy' in namespace 'std::__1'; did you mean simply 'memcpy'?
Same as first.
> Showing All Errors Only
> /Applications/ Use of undeclared identifier '_LIBCPP_UNREACHABLE'
Similarly a strong hint the installed libc++ might be broken

So first make sure the C++ standard of your compilation is >= C++11.

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