Boost logo

Boost :

From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-18 08:54:13

> Thanks. Upon reviewing my initial post I think I could have communicated
> more clearly. Will everyone please vote on one of the following two options:
> 1. Boost adopts the proposed new logo with Alliance as custodian of the
> trademark

Logo's like websites are touch to make choices on because so much is
down to aesthetics, but I rather liked the new design when I first saw
it, and seen in the broader context of the proposed new website I
believe it makes sense to adopt it (though largely I'm deferring to Rene
here for it's technical merits).  If as suggested we can find a "Mozilla
like" compromise on usage to maintain a good balance between open-source
ethos and brand protection that would be better still (this actually
applies to the old logo as well, which I don't *think* was ever BSL -
it's not actually clear what it is to be honest from a legal point of view).

Robert: I do take your point that fiddling with branding is often a sign
of business failure, not least when products randomly begin changing
names, I don't believe that's what we have here, more of an evolution
and/or reboot within the broader context of a new website.

Best, John.

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