Boost logo

Boost :

From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-19 16:33:11

On 19/07/2024 17:24, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
> Phil Endecott wrote:
>> To me, the logo choice looks like a proxy for the more fundamental question,
>> "do we like Vinnie Falco and the C++ Alliance and the work they are doing?".
>> Less than a month ago, Kristen Shaker told us that "there is no viable path
>> forward for further coordination between The C++ Alliance and The Boost
>> Foundation". I have not seen any announcement reversing that decision.
> We can still answer the above question regardless of what the Boost
> Foundation says.
> And independently of that, we can also decide on a logo on merits, regardless
> of the more fundamental question.

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