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From: Nelson, Erik - 2 (erik.l.nelson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-29 15:00:25

Vinnie Falco Sent Sunday, July 28, 2024 8:49 PM

>We need to be careful here. Consider Boost.JSON. It implements a
>variant-like, mutable container which can hold a JSON document. Is there
>room for other JSON libraries in Boost? Why yes, there are. For example,
>SIMDJson uses a completely different approach. It is read-only and it makes
>a different set of tradeoffs.

>When I say that if both libraries are useful, they should both be
>considered for inclusion, we must carefully define "useful." If two
>libraries offer a set of features, or if the two libraries make different
>tradeoffs to the extent that such tradeoffs result in different and
>meaningful user bases, then both could be considered.

Exactly right, witness Statechart and MetaStateMachine (MSM) with different design goals. This topic was much discussed during the MSM review, as author Cristophe Henry notes in the Stackoverflow link below.

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