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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-30 15:24:07

On 7/29/24 8:00 AM, Nelson, Erik - 2 via Boost wrote:

> Exactly right, witness Statechart and MetaStateMachine (MSM) with different design goals. This topic was much discussed during the MSM review, as author Cristophe Henry notes in the Stackoverflow link below.

Thanks for tracking this down. This incident is the one that motivated
me to express my concern about having multiple libraries which might or
might not address the same problem. I'm trying to get a consensus about
what's going to happen if two libraries are approved. I'd prefer to have
the discussion a head of time rather than disputing it afterwards.

On the other hand, maybe both libraries don't pass review in which case
there's no problem. It would be a pity of the second library reviewed
got no reviews because the first one had already been accepted. I don't
have a strong opinion at this point about what our policy should be, but
I do think we do need a policy.

FWIW - one of the goals of the BoostLibraryIncubator was to permit the
accumulation of reviews before the review period which might help
resolve/address these concerns.

Robert Ramey

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