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From: Alan de Freitas (alandefreitas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-08 23:41:48

I'd like to endorse the proposal. I think using the Formal Review Process
is a good idea since it will be familiar to the community.

I’m looking forward to the process and its outcome.

Em qui., 8 de ago. de 2024 às 19:38, Vinnie Falco via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> escreveu:

> Recently the Boost Foundation offered the community two choices of
> organizations for stewardship of Boost's shared resources: itself, and The
> C++ Alliance. The project needs a decision, in order that its future may be
> determined.
> The Formal Review Process is typically called upon to answer the question
> of whether a library should be accepted into the collection. I have
> proposed that we use the same process to determine the question of
> stewardship. It is not perfect, yet it is both familiar and enduring.
> Although there are two designated review wizards, one is unavailable and
> the other is traveling. And review wizards have never been called upon to
> oversee non-library reviews.
> Therefore, I would like to add a formal review to the calendar for the
> following days, inclusive:
> Monday August 19, to
> Wednesday, August 28
> Here are some review managers who I believe are well-suited for the task:
> Ion Gatzanaga
> John Maddock
> Glen Fernandes
> Peter Dimov
> If Glen or Peter accept, it would be appropriate for them to first resign
> from the Boost Foundation board.
> Thanks
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Alan Freitas

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