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From: Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-08 22:38:12

Recently the Boost Foundation offered the community two choices of
organizations for stewardship of Boost's shared resources: itself, and The
C++ Alliance. The project needs a decision, in order that its future may be

The Formal Review Process is typically called upon to answer the question
of whether a library should be accepted into the collection. I have
proposed that we use the same process to determine the question of
stewardship. It is not perfect, yet it is both familiar and enduring.

Although there are two designated review wizards, one is unavailable and
the other is traveling. And review wizards have never been called upon to
oversee non-library reviews.

Therefore, I would like to add a formal review to the calendar for the
following days, inclusive:

    Monday August 19, to
    Wednesday, August 28

Here are some review managers who I believe are well-suited for the task:

      Ion Gatzanaga
      John Maddock
      Glen Fernandes
      Peter Dimov

If Glen or Peter accept, it would be appropriate for them to first resign
from the Boost Foundation board.


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