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From: pdimov_at_[hidden]
Date: 2024-08-10 09:42:46

Robert Ramey wrote:
> From the point of view of modularization, wouldn't it make more sense
> just to generated inside the libraries doc/html directory? FWIW, I
> generate for my own libraries and check them into the git repo. I know
> this might seem redundant, but it relieves the user and or release of
> building the docs and permits the documentation to be browsed on one's
> local environment.

The downsides of checking in generated files (build output artifacts) are
well known.

E.g. a pull request modifying the doc/html files will get overwritten by
the next build, a pull request modifying just the source files won't
be reflected in doc/html until the next rebuild, and a pull request
correctly modifying both sources and generated doc/html files may
lead to lots of spurious changes to doc/html stemming from differences
in the build environment (different tool versions etc).

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