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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-08 03:48:38

On 8/7/24 4:43 PM, Steven Watanabe via Boost wrote:
> On 8/7/24 17:35, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
>> a) how do I find this by navigating the boost website?  I couldn't do
>> and still can't figure this out even knowing that it's there.
> You don't (I suppose you could navigate up from the library pages). Why
> do you want to? The categorized index in libs/libraries.htm is better
> for any purpose I know of.
>> b) I notice that the Safe Numerics library isn't there.  It doesn't
>> use quickbook, but it DOES use boostbook.  So I would expect to find
>> it here.
> Some libraries build their documentation in lib/xxx/doc/html, instead of
> using the global build.

I've always done that for my libraries so that one could read the
documentation before downloading the library.

A really dumb question. If the consolidated documentation is not
available through the web site, what is the point of generating it. I'm
sure it takes a lot of time.

 From the point of view of modularization, wouldn't it make more sense
just to generated inside the libraries doc/html directory? FWIW, I
generate for my own libraries and check them into the git repo. I know
this might seem redundant, but it relieves the user and or release of
building the docs and permits the documentation to be browsed on one's
local environment.

Robert Ramey
> In Christ,
> Steven Watanabe
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