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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-13 10:14:33

> The greater C++ community should be aware and invited to participate in
> the discussion. Social media and C++ podcasts should be utilized.
> 7.
I'm also not convinced this helps, Boost will carry on whatever, even if
we end up a somewhat disconnected group of projects on Github.  Since
"governance" primarily effects library authors, their viewpoints should
probably carry the greatest weight.  If users want to chip in too that's
fine, but their POV needs to be taken in context IMO.
> The review period should be longer than normal. Perhaps a three week
> period. The review manager should take into consideration feedback from all
> sources.

> We also need this decision to have unambiguous authority. If the Boost
> Foundation, which has a meeting on Thursday, endorses using the review
> process to resolve the organization question, then I think we’ll have it.

Since Kristen has already asked for a vote, I believe this particular
cat is already out of the bag.

Best, John.

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