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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-20 23:39:24

El 20/08/2024 a las 1:16, Kristen Shaker via Boost escribió:
> This process is largely about providing the developers with the agency to
> make a decision regarding their governance. I think allowing them to put
> forward proposals is part of facilitating that agency. Additionally, a
> change in governance structure would be a huge and disruptive shift. It's
> crucial that we do not find ourselves transitioning between different
> governing structures every 6 months. I believe a longer than average review
> process is in the best interest of the community. It is important that we
> get this right and that may mean taking a little longer.

Hi to all,

The situation is becoming more confusing every day. 20 days ago the
Foundation posted a message (signed by the Board) stating that "we feel
the most appropriate thing to do at this juncture would be to let the
developers make a decision on how they would like to proceed regarding
what level of ownership the C++ Alliance should have on Boost Library

Note the phrase "let the developers make a decision".

The Foundation clearly expressed that there are two available options
(Alliance or Foundation) and a third option was not needed ("given that
there are already many Boost Developers on the Boost Foundation Board of
Directors, we don’t see this as a meaningful deviation from the status

20 days later members of the Foundation say there will be more options
because they know at least one additional option is in development. But
according to the previous logic, this additional option should be a
"meaningful deviation from the status quo" or it should not be
considered. But we do not know anything about it and the Foundation or
its members have not disclosed any information to the developers.

Some days ago we knew that "the Boost Foundation is currently voting on
a motion to utilize the library review process to decide the governance
question which includes process suggestions. We should wait until that

But we have no information about this outcome and the board signed the
original two option proposal. It's at least surprising that the
Foundation made such a strong decision proposal and 20 days later
members of the board think that "allowing them to put forward proposals
is part of facilitating that agency trying". Is that a new position from
the board or a personal opinion from board members?

Minutes from the Foundation are not updated since June so we don't know
if there is new information that justifies any new position from the
board or its members.

Additionally, Foundation board members considered that the decision
should have "participation from the greater C++ community" and "the
review manager should take into consideration feedback from all
sources." which contradict the earlier "let the developers make a
decision" from the board.

It was announced that the Boost Foundation was having a meeting (past
Thursday?) about the review process for the governance, but we have no
information about the decisions taken on that meeting.

This simply is not sustainable. It's not productive.

We already have a trusted review manager (Glen), which is a Foundation
board member, and a very active Boost developer. We have some initial
information about the operational perspective both from David
( and Vinnie
(, which must
be completed before the review.

The review was proposed initially for the next week (pull
So it seems that the C++ Alliance should already have a mature proposal
(otherwise, C++ Alliance's proposal will be simply rejected).

We also had some clarifications ("Misunderstandings about the Boost
that the Foundation thinks it should be considered from developers
during this process.

I think it's evident that we have no new information that justifies
additional delays. If anyone has an interesting proposal in a mature
state, great, boost developers should know about it just now because
it's time to decide and move to the next thing.

According to our established review process, the review manager should
finalize the schedule with the Review Wizard and the submitter. Please
let Glen, Mateusz and Vinnie agree on that.

I expect the usual 10 days period will be enough so that active boost
developers (which are the ones the Foundation requested a decision from)
can emit their opinions. In any case, according to the formal review
process the review manager can ask the review wizard for permission to
extend the review schedule if there are too few reviews or some new
important information must be considered, so the review can be extended
using the already established process if necessary.

IMO the Foundation or the Alliance should not try to condition this
developer decision that the same Foundation proposed 20 days ago and the
Alliance agreed on. That ship has sailed.

The review manager "shall check the submission to make sure it really is
complete enough to warrant formal review"

If so, we should schedule the review on the following weeks and take a
decision with the information we have, as no decision is the worst
decision. If 6 months later we have newer information that requires a
new review and a new change, so be it.



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