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From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-26 14:45:54

Am 22.08.2024 um 11:54 schrieb Peter Dimov via Boost:
> It would have, but no such translation unit was compiled by anyone before
> the release went out.
That is now covered by the added test, isn't it?
I'd also suggest to have (compile) tests that at least include the aggregate headers such as <boost/compute.hpp>.
Could even be in the super-project or as a specific test target such that one could compile test this for all libs at once.
> There's no CI that runs the entire Boost test suite (that would take many hours)
> but even if there were, Boost.Compute's tests require OpenCL and automatically
> disable themselves when it's not present.
Some time ago I suggested that b2 supports compiling binaries but not running them. Not sure if this was implemented by now.
Would it be feasible to compile all tests before release?

I guess there still need to be some tests that don't get disabled without OpenCL.
Currently it applies to all tests, not sure if this is really a hard requirement for all of them.


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