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From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-27 10:08:49

Am 27.08.24 um 04:14 schrieb Дмитрий Архипов via Boost:
> If you mean, disable running all or some tests, then there's
> testing.execute feature. To disable running all tests (e.g. when
> cross-compiling) you'd do
> b2 testing.execute=off
Yes that is what I was referring to, thanks!
> But regardless of that, as far as I can see, using Boost.Compute
> requires OpenCL to be present.

I see so it IS a hard requirement.
Maybe we could have an option (possibly even in B2) to have a
"<build>no" alternative that errors when triggered.
E.g. `b2 testing.execute=off require-compute=on` (or even `require-all`)

This could then be used to do this build testing by release managers on
a machine/VM/image that has all dependencies and avoid silently skipping
some build tests if one is missing.

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