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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-03 15:35:08

Dear Boost community,

The Boost Asset Stewardship Review begins today, 3rd September and
ends on 22nd September.

For reference, the review schedule is:

The submission which initiated the review is the following proposal
from the C++ Alliance:

It proposes a Fiscal Sponsorship which:

1) is a legal agreement where the C++ Alliance holds assets on behalf
of the Boost project. It proposes a newly formed (steering) committee
that would be composed of Boost developer community members that would
determine how the assets are used.

2) donates the assets that it funds to the Boost project (domains,
hosting, etc.)

The "Boost developer community" here refers to:
- Boost library authors
- Boost library contributors
- Boost release managers

For a high level overview of these terms (which I needed) see the
following email with definitions:

The Boost Foundation asks the Boost developer community to consider
the following alternative:

The Boost Foundation proposal presents a path forward where it
continues to be the steward the assets in question, but offers a
change in how these are managed.

The assets here refer to the following:
- The domain
- Website hosting
- Mailing lists
- Downloads storage and CDN
- Drone CI

Currently, the Boost Foundation owns and pays for the following:
- Website hosting
- Mailing lists

The C++ Alliance pays and manages for the following:
- The Drone CI
- The CDN for the downloads
- The download archive
- Technical assistance and support for the Boost release process
- Backup domain names (in case expires)
- Hosting and downloads for the new website prototype (

The domain is absent from both lists above: The Boost
Foundation technically does not own it yet. The domain was owned by
Beman and he had the credentials. The Boost Foundation is working with
Beman's widow and the Dawes Estate to transfer ownership to it.

For reference, see Kristen's email:

Note that the content of the current site and the new website is still the province of the Boost developer

To be clear, the review is not about deciding governance over Boost
C++ library development. That remains in the hands of the Boost
developer community.

Please send all reviews to the Boost developer mailing list. If you
do not want to create an account, you can email me at glenfe -at- with your review and I will post it to the list for you.

Include "Asset Stewardship Review" or "Asset Stewardship" in your email subject.

In your review do disclose any affiliation to either the C++ Alliance
or Boost Foundation groups. Please state any connection you have to
Boost (developer, user, package manager etc.)

Thank you,

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at