Boost : |
From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-14 11:42:16
wt., 3 wrz 2024 o 17:35 Glen Fernandes via Boost-announce <
boost-announce_at_[hidden]> napisaÅ(a):
> Dear Boost community,
> The Boost Asset Stewardship Review begins today, 3rd September and
> ends on 22nd September.
> For reference, the review schedule is:
> https://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html
> The submission which initiated the review is the following proposal
> from the C++ Alliance:
> https://cppalliance.org/pdf/Fiscal-Sponsorship-Proposal.pdf
> It proposes a Fiscal Sponsorship which:
> 1) is a legal agreement where the C++ Alliance holds assets on behalf
> of the Boost project. It proposes a newly formed (steering) committee
> that would be composed of Boost developer community members that would
> determine how the assets are used.
> 2) donates the assets that it funds to the Boost project (domains,
> hosting, etc.)
> The "Boost developer community" here refers to:
> - Boost library authors
> - Boost library contributors
> - Boost release managers
> For a high level overview of these terms (which I needed) see the
> following email with definitions:
> https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2024/09/257579.php
> The Boost Foundation asks the Boost developer community to consider
> the following alternative:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XFt7Bh71e4_uE0iK4jifhR__P0iG5_c1cDfBsMjrljU/
> The Boost Foundation proposal presents a path forward where it
> continues to be the steward the assets in question, but offers a
> change in how these are managed.
> The assets here refer to the following:
> - The boost.org domain
> - Website hosting
> - Mailing lists
> - Downloads storage and CDN
> - Drone CI
This is a request for clarification.
Given that the review is about the control of the assets, and the Mailing
List is mentioned as one, does the control exercised by a body (be it the
C++ Alliance or the Boost Foundation) over the Mailing List means that this
body gets to control whether the Mailing List is subject or not to the Code
of Conduct enforcements?
> Currently, the Boost Foundation owns and pays for the following:
> - Website hosting
> - Mailing lists
> The C++ Alliance pays and manages for the following:
> - The Drone CI
> - The CDN for the downloads
> - The download archive
> - Technical assistance and support for the Boost release process
> - Backup domain names (in case boost.org expires)
> - Hosting and downloads for the new website prototype (boost.io)
> The boost.org domain is absent from both lists above: The Boost
> Foundation technically does not own it yet. The domain was owned by
> Beman and he had the credentials. The Boost Foundation is working with
> Beman's widow and the Dawes Estate to transfer ownership to it.
> For reference, see Kristen's email:
> https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2024/08/257563.php
> Note that the content of the current boost.org site and the new
> boost.io website is still the province of the Boost developer
> community.
> To be clear, the review is not about deciding governance over Boost
> C++ library development. That remains in the hands of the Boost
> developer community.
> Please send all reviews to the Boost developer mailing list. If you
> do not want to create an account, you can email me at glenfe -at-
> boost.org with your review and I will post it to the list for you.
> Include "Asset Stewardship Review" or "Asset Stewardship" in your email
> subject.
> In your review do disclose any affiliation to either the C++ Alliance
> or Boost Foundation groups. Please state any connection you have to
> Boost (developer, user, package manager etc.)
> Thank you,
> Glen
> _______________________________________________
> Unsubscribe & other changes:
> http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-announce
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk