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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-07 07:54:38

> The popularity of mailing lists has gone down significantly, although it is
> still a format which offers advantages to active contributors. Younger
> generations of developers prefer the immediacy of SnapChat, Discord, and
> platforms like Reddit over mail subscriptions. To address this need, we
> have been working on deploying a web-based front end to the mailing list.
> This feature is part of mailman 3 and it is called "HyperKitty:"
> Our deployment of HyperKitty has been paused while the governance issues
> are being resolved and this is the latest snapshot (I don't think the
> messages were imported):
> With considerable effort we can work this into a solution which allows
> existing contributors to use the mailing list as they are already
> accustomed to using, while allowing new volunteers who prefer using a
> browser to also participate. A side effect is that it will make browsing
> the archives more pleasant.

I like this idea a lot: and I really hope you can make it all work -
seems like the best of both worlds?

Certainly a web-interface would make the barrier to entry lower, and
folks can switch to email later once they're more engaged.


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