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From: Tom Kent (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-08 20:59:37

On Sun, Sep 8, 2024 at 10:52 AM René Ferdinand Rivera Morell via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 8, 2024 at 10:21 AM Peter Dimov via Boost
> <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> >
> > René Ferdinand Rivera Morell wrote:
> > > On Sun, Sep 8, 2024 at 9:05 AM Tom Kent via Boost <
> boost_at_[hidden]>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > All-
> > > > I've been pretty busy lately so just noticed this, but as of August
> 18
> > > > *all* the regression runs have broken during execution.
> > > >
> > > > The tail of the results log shows:
> > > >
> > > > - cxx11_char16_t : yes [47]
> > > > - cxx11_char32_t : yes [47]
> > > > - windows-sdk-supports-bcrypt : no [14]
> > > > - windows-sdk-supports-bcrypt : no [51]
> > > > error: Unable to find file or target named
> > > > error:
> '/mnt/fs1/teeks99-06/run/boost_root/libs/charconv/build//stage'
> > > > error: referred to from project at
> > > > error: '../tools/check_build/test'
> > >
> > > I guess I missed that tool needing changes for the modular
> arrangement. For
> > > modular libs the build//stage target no longer exists. As it's now
> > > /boost/<lib>//stage. But the code needs to handle both as there's a
> mixture of
> > > modular and monolithic.
> >
> > We can just remove tools/check_build; it was intended to create
> > a column in the regression matrix that showed an overview of what
> > Boost libraries build, but I'm not sure how useful is that nowadays.
> Irrespective of that.. Here's a PR to resolve the problem
> <>.

Thanks for the quick fix. Looks good on develop, hopefully will get merged
to master shortly?


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