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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-10 15:03:05

On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 2:49 AM Andrzej Krzemienski wrote:
> I must say that I am surprised that there was no reply to this question from
> the individual directors of the Boost Foundation Board. I can see that four
> members of the Board are actively participating in the Beman project.
> I would have expected that they gave their input on the concerns I expressed.
> In the context of the Boost Asset Stewardship Review, the Boost Foundation
> also has a request from the Boost Developers Community, so I would think it is
> in the best interest of the Foundation members to participate in this review,
> hear the expressed questions and concerns and reply to them.
> Let me ask again, mostly the people that promote the Beman project, why do you
> think Boost is unfit for the purpose of incubating libraries that target the
> Standard Library?

Hi Andrzej,

If not sooner, I should have an answer that represents the Beman
project leadership's thoughts on this, latest tomorrow at 3pm EST
after the Boost Foundation monthly meeting.

I also want to confirm that your inquiry is not independent of the
Asset Stewardship review. i.e. It matters if the Boost Foundation
chooses to support another initiative (or the Beman project


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