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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-12 21:39:49

On Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 1:44 PM Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
> El 12/09/2024 a las 19:04, Dave Abrahams via Boost escribió:
> > I realize the review is nominally about asset stewardship, but IIUC
> > the more fundamental change being discussed is about governance,
> > not who holds Boost's property.
> No, the review is exactly about asset stewardship, as made explicit by
> Glen in the review announcement:
> "To be clear, the review is not about deciding governance over Boost
> C++ library development. That remains in the hands of the Boost
> developer community."
> If you ask me, I think governance, cultural and related issues are very much
> worth discussing, but such discussions do not belong in the review really.

I wanted to affirm this. The outcome of the ongoing review is only
confined to management and control of those Boost assets listed.

In general, while acting as review manager, I would prefer someone
else in the Boost Foundation speak on behalf of the organization, but
since this topic is both outside the scope of the review and I have
gone on record many times in the past about this:

My position has always been that the Boost Foundation now acts in
support of Boost library development but not in any form of control
over it. Others on the Boost Foundation board have also expressed the
same on the list, so I know I'm not alone in this.

This has been a generally touchy subject beginning with the CMake
announcement, after which many members of the community have expressed
the desire for the Foundation to not interfere in that side of

If people have changed their minds over time, or otherwise want to
discuss that, it's a free mailing list - but I would be remiss if I
did not repeat the clarification about the review and its goal above.


[1] I also feel like the Foundation has respected the community's
wishes and adhered to that, ever since.

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