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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-12 22:11:55

czw., 12 wrz 2024 o 23:40 Glen Fernandes via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> On Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 1:44 PM Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
> > El 12/09/2024 a las 19:04, Dave Abrahams via Boost escribió:
> > > I realize the review is nominally about asset stewardship, but IIUC
> > > the more fundamental change being discussed is about governance,
> > > not who holds Boost's property.
> >
> > No, the review is exactly about asset stewardship, as made explicit by
> > Glen in the review announcement:
> >
> >
> >
> > "To be clear, the review is not about deciding governance over Boost
> > C++ library development. That remains in the hands of the Boost
> > developer community."
> >
> > If you ask me, I think governance, cultural and related issues are very
> much
> > worth discussing, but such discussions do not belong in the review
> really.
> I wanted to affirm this. The outcome of the ongoing review is only
> confined to management and control of those Boost assets listed.

When I read the Foundation's counter-proposal
It proposes, in section "What we propose", point 1:

*Governance* remains with the Boost Foundation which continues to serve as
the legal entity representing Boost.

Is this just a bad choice of words?


> In general, while acting as review manager, I would prefer someone
> else in the Boost Foundation speak on behalf of the organization, but
> since this topic is both outside the scope of the review and I have
> gone on record many times in the past about this:
> My position has always been that the Boost Foundation now acts in
> support of Boost library development but not in any form of control
> over it. Others on the Boost Foundation board have also expressed the
> same on the list, so I know I'm not alone in this.
> This has been a generally touchy subject beginning with the CMake
> announcement, after which many members of the community have expressed
> the desire for the Foundation to not interfere in that side of
> things[1].
> If people have changed their minds over time, or otherwise want to
> discuss that, it's a free mailing list - but I would be remiss if I
> did not repeat the clarification about the review and its goal above.
> Glen
> [1] I also feel like the Foundation has respected the community's
> wishes and adhered to that, ever since.
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