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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-14 08:15:23

>> - Regarding Discord, the community has repeatedly declined to move from the
>> Mailing List. I'm not a big fan of Mailing Lists, but I see no point in
>> insisting on that.
> You meant Discourse. I can think of one "advantage." You can lock
> threads, delete posts, and ban people more easily. For example:

Leaving that aside for a moment, I can actually see one other advantage:
easier entry for newbies, that just want to ask one question and move
on.  That's not appropriate for this list, but it might well be for
"boost-users" which let's be honest, currently gets almost no postings,
when it should really be chock full of "how do I" newbie questions.  Of
course those can be super annoying to deal with... but todays newbies
are tomorrows developers.


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