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From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-16 07:40:06

Am 11.09.2024 um 13:42 schrieb Boris Kolpackov via Boost:
> The "world" has decidedly not standardize on CMake. If anything,
> it uses CMake as a lesson in what not to do: if you look at the
> recent crop of build systems (Cargo, Zig build, buck2) -- none
> of them are meta build systems.
The problem I have with "pure" build systems is that they don't integrate well with IDEs.
I heavily rely on IDE features such das "GoTo declaration" (often better than reading docs), auto-completion etc.
and CMake fills this role by not by reinventing the wheel but working with existing tools.
I can have a Visual Studio project when working on/for Windows or a compile_commands.json when working on Linux
e.g. with VS Code or any ++ language server supporting that.

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