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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-16 11:29:03

Hi Everyone,
While reviewing a Boost candidate library, I re-watched Robert Ramey's
advice on how to write library documentation, from CppCon:

These are so great talks, and so much practical, wise and appealing advice.
Whenever my colleagues ask me for advice on how to write documentation, I
give them these links. I also follow the advice ever since I watched the
first video.

Robert, thank you for them.

I believe that this is a valuable Boost asset, and should be listed along
the Boost Software License and the Boost Review Process. I hope that our
documentation (old or new) will mention it in a prominent place, much like
the docs mention the great article "Exception-Safety in Generic Components"
by Dave abrahams.


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