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From: Ruben Perez (rubenperez038_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-17 05:57:25

On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 07:37, Vinnie Falco <vinnie.falco_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 9:25 PM Ruben Perez <rubenperez038_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > This is really exciting. I'm up for porting my library (or help port its dependencies).
> I love the enthusiasm but Asio has 1,537 dependencies, give or
> take.... we need to set our sights a bit lower :)
> Boost.Config, Assert, or throw_exception come to mind. Then maybe
> something small like StaticString although that one might already be
> mostly safe. Boost.SmartPtr perhaps? We would need to talk to the Safe
> C++ folks.
> Thanks

That's why I said dependencies :)

I suspect that most of SmartPtr is covered by the classes std2::box
and std2::rc, which AFAIK are the Rust safe equivalents of unique_ptr
and shared_ptr. Do you envision Boost as a place to host an
implementation of the std2 library? Or rather as a "test ground" where
libraries (say charconv or json) actually use such standard
facilities? (or both?)

Anyway, I'm on the slack channel now too.


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