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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-17 16:47:16

On 9/16/24 7:17 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:

> Recently, it was pointed out in this Mailing List, that it is unfair with
> respect to the authors to give critical feedback without having studied the
> proposal, yet I am about to do exactly this. I have only read the
> introductory part of the docs, as well as the "Comparison with other array
> libraries" appendix, and my feedback is solely based on that. But you can
> consider me a good representative of a potential user of the library, who
> is impatient, and can offer only 5-10 minutes to decide if they want to
> invest more time in studying the library. This is in the spirit of Roert
> Ramey's advice:

Andrzej, I'm flattered that you referenced my presentation at CPPCon14
"How to make a Boost Library". Given your observations regarding the
multidimensional array library, I'm guessing that the following might be
even more interesting to the author:

Robert Ramey

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