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From: Braden Ganetsky (braden.ganetsky_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-28 23:09:37

On Fri, Sep 20, 2024, 12:50 AM Julien Blanc via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

I noticed that Boost.Outcome, which also provides pretty printers for
gdb, uses different macros (it does not seem to check for
BOOST_ALL_NO_EMBEDDED_GDB_SCRIPTS ). It seems to be in use by the
following libraries :

* json
* unordered
* interprocess

Ideally, we need some consistency here accross the libraries and/or
some guidelines for maintainers on which pattern to follow.

The name `BOOST_ALL_NO_EMBEDDED_GDB_SCRIPTS` came from a conversation
between Niall and myself, with assent from other members of the community
including Dmitry. (I can't remember whether here or on the Slack.)

I put that macro into use in Unordered and Interprocess, so I assume Niall
will ultimately add this same option to Outcome. As far as I remember, this
was the decision. The hope was, eventually this macro will be used in more
libraries, as they create more pretty printers for their types. Then we can
disable the script embedding in all libraries all at once.


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